• New TER is more compact, simpler en more inclusive

    • 15 maart
    • Talentgericht

    An accessible and inclusive Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER), tailored to Talent-oriented education at Fontys. To achieve just that, a group experts and students at Fontys worked together.

  • Inclusive language: the right words are constantly evolving

    • 15 maart
    • Inclusive

    Teachers and researchers Elizabeth Venicz and Ilonka van der Sommen specialise in inclusive language, inclusion, and diversity. Through examples and stories, they challenge participants in this online lecture to join in the search for appropriate words and imagery.

  • Good leadership: 'You don't have to be perfect'

    • 28 februari
    • Wendbaar

    Fontys is committed to good leadership, for example by offering training and the leadership program. But what is good leadership? What do you need and how do you stay authentic? This is what these three leaders talk about.

  • 5 doors that lead to development at Fontys

    • 26 februari
    • Wendbaar

    Within Fontys, employees are given plenty of opportunities to continue to develop. It is good to know that there are various entrances to learning and development at Fontys. We list five of them.

  • 9 development tips from the 'World of Sofie'

    • 26 februari
    • Wendbaar

    Are you and your team managing well with all the changes in our work? Developments in education, research and organization are rapid. It is sometimes difficult to adapt each time. For Sofie Moresi, program leader Agile Professionals and associate professor, this is also a continuous challenge. Based on her research and insights, she gives 9 accessible development tips. Take advantage of them.

  • 20 years of Francis at Fontys: always on the move

    • 26 februari
    • Wendbaar

    Fontys stimulates the development of its employees and colleague Francis Schoevers made grateful use of this. Over the past 20 years, she developed from administrative assistant to educationalist and coach. Curious? Read her story.