Fontys Hub

On this platform, you will find information about important topics and developments within Fontys, tools and multiple opportunities for personal and professional growth. Get inspired.

More about the themes
    • Highlighted

    Basic qualification AI and two masters in the making

    Anke Bardie and Danny Jonker both work as research managers at the Knowledge Center Applied AI for Society. One of the Knowledge Center's goals is for all Fontys students to be able to handle AI when they graduate, regardless of the field of study they have taken.

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The following events are planned in the upcoming weeks:

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ONLINE COLLEGE: IT'S NOT ALL GOLD THAT GLITTERS - Sport fraternizes and sport divides. Sport contributes to a healthier society, to social connection and is attractive to commercial parties. At the same time, sports can be linked to riots, inequality, corruption and abuse of power. Lecturer/professor Steven Vos and sports marketer Marc van der Linden give us insight into the two sides of sports in this public lecture.


  • 7 mei
  • Research
  • Sustainable

'Every three months, AI's energy consumption doubles'

Artificial Intelligence: you see it around you more and more. But despite all the success stories, there is a dark side to it, says lecturerGerard Schouten. 'Those AI models cost a lot of energy. That is why, among other things, we are studying Green AI: how to make AI more sustainable?’

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  • 8 april
  • Internationalisering
  • Talentgericht

What does the binding resolution on self-direction mean for Fontys?

At the request of the minister, the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences has put forward proposals to regulate the intake of international students. These are collective measures (applicable to all universities of applied sciences) regarding language proficiency, recruitment, housing, retention rates, and programs delivered in languages other than Dutch.

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  • 15 maart
  • Talentgericht

New TER is more compact, simpler en more inclusive

An accessible and inclusive Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER), tailored to Talent-oriented education at Fontys. To achieve just that, a group experts and students at Fontys worked together.

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  • 15 maart
  • Inclusive

Inclusive language: the right words are constantly evolving

Teachers and researchers Elizabeth Venicz and Ilonka van der Sommen specialise in inclusive language, inclusion, and diversity. Through examples and stories, they challenge participants in this online lecture to join in the search for appropriate words and imagery.

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Development offer

  • Talentgericht

Bko course including assessment (English)

As a (starting) teacher, you want to be able to convey your knowledge and skills to students in the best and most inspiring way possible. This requires knowledge of educational science, didactics and pedagogy. This basic teaching qualification (bko) is offered by Dienst P&O.

12 sessions + assessment day
10 september
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  • Wendbaar

Dutch level B (Intermediate)

This sequel furthers the knowledge of Dutch language and culture in four modules of five classes. The modules focus on daily life situations, and touch upon communication in a professional working setting. All language skills will be addressed, and the aim is to be able to communicate with ease about a wide range of topics in Dutch.

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  • Wendbaar

Dutch level A (Beginners)

This language course is intended for language learners who have (almost) no previous knowledge of the Dutch language. In this course you will familiarise yourself with the basics of Dutch language and culture.

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  • General

Bke course (English)

The bke (basic examination qualification) course is focused on developing your knowledge and skills regarding assessment. By following this course you prepare yourself for the bke certification.

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