1 juni
eXtended Reality: How is it possible!?

Does it stop there? Not quite. Or not at all even. After all, modern technology makes it possible to simulate complex, seemingly impossible (learning) situations. And also to enrich them. In good English, we then speak of eXtended Reality, or XR. A computer-created reality with interactive elements on top.
So, you can not only see that cow in the classroom (digitally) but it also gives you information about various bodily functions, or simulates health problems that you can investigate as a future veterinarian. Sounds good, doesn't it? No wonder this technology has also been noticed within Fontys and is on the rise.
Fontys and XR
One of the colleagues who has had his eye on this development for some time is Mario Paiano, marketing creative at Fontys Sporthogeschool. Mario is referring here to a development in November 2021, when both Facebook and Microsoft introduced the "Metaverse." A virtual world without borders, which you can visit through Virtual Reality (VR) or "blend" with the real world using Augmented Reality (AR). In this, Microsoft also announced an integration with MS Teams. Reason for Mario to take a closer look at this development and submit it as an edTech initiative. Main goal of this initiative: to map and connect existing XR activities within Fontys.

In his quest, Mario noticed that quite a few colleagues and students at Fontys are already working with XR, for example at Fontys Human and Health, Fontys ICT, Sports College and HRM and Psychology. 'They are experimenting and learning a lot with XR. But they also face similar challenges. Just think about technical preconditions, procurement of hardware and software or more educational issues that affect the learning process.' Time to bring these initiatives and colleagues together.
Fontys XR event
So on May 12, 2023, the first ever Fontys XR event took place. An event for and by XR-interested people within Fontys. And there certainly were a lot of interested parties. Some 175 Fontys colleagues, students and partners registered and spent a whole day immersed in the world of VR, AR and everything in between.
'Of course we already knew that we are not the only ones working on this subject at Fontys, but until recently it has been difficult to get a picture of who is doing what. The XR event therefore was a great opportunity for me and for us to get in touch with colleagues and external people and thus get a look in their kitchen.
- Mariƫlle Rosendaal, Researcher and graduate supervisor HRM and Applied Psychology.
'Many institutes are still searching, this event brings users together and people can exchange ideas on how to use XR. I have noticed that everyone is running into the same problems and I think that we at the IT department can help here. Think of procurement and uniformity, management and support.'
- Ron Claassen, Dienst IT consultant.
Het XR-event was tevens het moment om te starten met een Fontys XR-community, inclusief website: . The XR event also was the moment to launch a Fontys XR community, including a website: https://fontys.nl/xr. In this community, colleagues find and help each other with XR issues and inspire each other with good practices and trends. For example, feedback received at the event, shows that there is great demand for a joint approach to didactic and technical issues surrounding XR. Do you have ideas about this? Scan the QR code and become a member of the Fontys XR community!

Moral debate
So is it all hosanna with XR? Well, no. There is a downside to (this) technology, according to Bart Wernaart and Rens van der Vorst of the Moral Design Strategy Research Department. Just think about the privacy effects of data-gathering apps or the potential of ever smarter computers. An important question here is how we can continue to feel at home in a world full of technology. In that respect, the research department advocates the moral debate. Bottum up. In and with all layers of society. On that basis, we can come to sensible designs and strategy. And this invitation is certainly also there in the field of XR.
Podcast Blended Learning and eXtended Reality
For those who want to know more about XR, possibilities for (blended) education and the Fontys XR community, the Fontys Blended Learning scrum team has recorded a podcast with Mario Paiano.