Inclusive communication in education

This in-depth training course (four half days) provides practical tools to enhance your intercultural competences in a classroom or coaching situation with students from a different culture or background.
Four half days

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Voor wie?

Docenten | Studentcoaches

Om je te ontwikkelen naar de Fontysrol(len):
Coach | Expert

The training is mainly aimed at teachers/coaches, but support staff (OOP) can also participate. It is especially useful if you deal with inclusivity in your work.


There are no dates scheduled for this training. You can sign up via the sign up button. When we have enough applications, we will set a date with those interested.

It is also possible to tailor this training for a team or department. Please contact team HR Learning & Development via to discuss the possibilities.

This in-depth training course provides practical tools to enhance your intercultural competences in a classroom or coaching situation with intercultural diverse students. Teaching or coaching in an international classroom can be quite a challenge. Think about the right didactics, your way of providing feedback, unconscious biases and also about the assessments; how does culture influence our approaches and how do you make sure that every student gets the most out of your lecture? In this training course, you share your knowledge and experiences with other Fontys lecturers and develop your intercultural competences, so that you can perform your role better and with more self-confidence in an intercultural and/or international context.

Topics covered include: Your own role and practice, learning goals and issues are a common thread in this training course. Exchanging experiences, pitfalls and best practices are central to this learning process. The training is provided by Fontys lecturers with a great deal of expertise and experience who are happy to share this with you and support you in strengthening your teaching role in an (interculturally) diverse classroom.

​After this training course you will have:

  • A better understanding how culture influences your educational style in teaching and coaching.
  • Different tools which you can integrate in your teaching and coaching approach in the international classroom.




    In principle, this training will be given in English. If all participants speak Dutch, the training can also be given in Dutch.

    Additional Information

    This training is accessible for Employees of Breda University of Applied Sciences as well.

    Meer info

    Kosten: € 450

    Georganiseerd door: Dienst Personeel en Organisatie